When will I be able to retire?

Everyone is different and we can work with you to explain the retirement lifestyle that you can enjoy and provide realistic expectations about how long your funds will last. There is a limited opportunity before retirement to review and restructure your financial affairs.

Maximise your retirement strategy

Transition to retirement strategies offer unique opportunities to restructure your income to reduce tax and increase retirement savings.

We can show you the exact amounts that you need to salary sacrifice, when to commence an allocated pension and how much you should be drawing in order to optimise your pre-retirement income.

These strategies build wealth without taking on any increase in investment risk.

Thinking ahead – tax and Centrelink effective strategies

Superannuation can provide tax free income from age 60 plus no capital gains tax. Careful thought needs to be taken as to how best to utilise the superannuation environment and when and how to move funds across.

We are able to analyse potential Centrelink-friendly strategies that should be adopted in advance.

Flexible solutions – including Self Managed Superannuation Funds

We are able to offer our clients exposure to over 350 managed funds as well as listed securities.

We can provide advice on retail (AMP, MLC, Colonial, BT, etc), industry funds (REST, HESTA, etc) and Wrap accounts, and we specialise in providing advice on Self Managed Superannuation Funds.

Our priority is on your needs and objectives.

Sensible investments that provide comfort

Approaching retirement is a logical time to reassess your attitude to risk but remember the life expectancy of an average 65 year old Australian is 85 years, therefore you don’t want your investments to retire when you do.

We provide sensible and diversified investment portfolios tailored to your needs.

For clients wanting minimal administration and the diversification and professional expertise of fund managers, we are able to access quality research to select high quality fund managers. We also put in place a structure so that we can act quickly and decisively to make changes when required.

For other clients that place high priority on transparency and control we would look to utilise direct investments. This includes Australian shares, hybrid securities and term deposits when appropriate.

Open communication

People are living longer and there will likely be changes to your circumstances before and during your retirement. We pride ourselves on being accessible to our clients and having an open communication channel. By this, we mean clients are encouraged to contact us with any questions or concerns and we will respond in plain English to ensure you are comfortable and confident in your retirement plans.

Estate planning

Estate planning is a specialist area and we are able to work with other experts to ensure that your overall needs are covered.

The importance of planning ahead can be seen regarding the implications of the government’s de facto death duties, which can claim up to 15% of your superannuation.

Strategies are available whilst you are working to reduce such future liabilities.

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